The SSL protocol or as it is called "Secure Sockets Layer" is the standard currently accepted on the Internet to transmit standard information. This protocol is based on unique encryption keys so that the data can be decrypted only by the recipient. Mostly in green indicating that this site is secure in SSL protocol



1. In order to install an SSL certificate, log in to our administration panel and access a name for managing storage packages. There you will see the following verb in the menu on the right.



2. After we click on it, a window will open with the following settings



3. In this window we will select the lets encrypt option and continue the settings in the window that will now open for us



4. Fill in all the relevant details indicated above and then select in the second tab above "entries"



Our congratulations You now have a free SSL certificate from lets encrypt. This certificate is valid for a limited number of days, when these number expires, this certificate will be refreshed and renewed automatically.

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